Plant-Based Foods Increasing in Popularity

Dan Industry News Release

plantThe use and popularity of plant-based foods are increasing, but that doesn’t mean a change in course for the world population.

A recent survey by the restaurant food delivery service GrubHub reported that vegan orders have increased in popularity by 19 percent in 2017. However, the number of vegan or vegetarian consumers has remained around five percent of the world’s population.

Meat industry publication Meatingplace says the statistics simply reflect a trend of meat-eaters choosing to vary their diets more with an increasing array of non-meat options. Meatingplace also points out that not all vegans or vegetarians stick with the diet.

The United Kingdom’s Daily Caller recently asked vegetarians why they went back to eating meat. The ex-vegetarians said they “couldn’t deny the cravings,” and one said: “I dreamed of cheeseburgers.” The most common reason though was from mothers who said they wanted to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.