Securing All Livestock Equitably Details

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release

livestockLivestock producers many times only have one payday a year. That’s when they load trucks and head to the local sale barn. This day can be nerve-racking for the producer as they wait to see how the market will fare for them. It can be made more nerve-racking and even stomach sickening when the check for the livestock does not clear the bank. That is why Congress is currently trying to pass the Securing All Livestock Equitably Act or SALE Act for short.

The SALE Act would place livestock sold to a dealer, and proceeds/receivables from already sold livestock, in a trust until the original seller has been paid, ensuring that producers and livestock auctions have a legal recourse in the event of a dealer default and/or bankruptcy.

The charge for this legislation is being led by freshman Congressman Roger Marshall of Kansas. Congressman Marshall talks about what was happening for sale barns to push for this kind of legislation.

Marshall is no newcomer to the world of agriculture and sale barns. The Congressman next talks about his youth and how it’s helping to shape this legislation.

While in today’s modern political age many issues become polarized and it becomes an us vs them mentality. On the SALE act however is has tremendous bi-partisan support. The Congressman talks about why he reaches across the political aisle.

It still takes both politicians coming to a common ground before any yes votes can be counted on. Congressman Marshall talks about how he found that common ground for the SALE act with other politicians.

This legislation is far from becoming law, but in its infancy, it appears to on the correct path. The SALE act also shows that there may be differences in politics, but agriculture can transcend those differences and create common ground for all.