NAFTA Commodity Groups Unite to Urge Negotiation Success

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

commodityU.S. commodity export groups, along with counterparts from Canada and Mexico, are reiterating their support for free trade. The U.S. Grains Council, along with the U.S. Soybean Export Council, National Sorghum Producers, National Corn Growers, and others, met with counterparts from Canada and Mexico last week.

As round four of the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations conclude, the groups continue to stress the importance of the agreement to agriculture. In a joint statement, the groups encouraged negotiators to “continue their participation in good faith” in the negotiations, and “produce an agreement that builds upon our ongoing success.”

Round four of the talks in Washington, D.C. saw the introduction of agriculture proposals by the U.S. The groups point out that grains and soy trade between Mexico and the United States in 2016 represented more than $6.6 billion dollars with more than 90 percent of those ingredients consumed by the Mexican livestock industry.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.