Conaway Speaks on Disaster Relief in New Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

conaway disaster


The House Agriculture Committee recently held its sixth and final Farm Bill listening session in upstate New York. Committee Chair Mike Conaway said the listening session in New York, along with the other five sessions, were invaluable to the committee as it looks toward developing a new Farm Bill.

Disaster recovery programs are a big part of the Farm Bill. Conaway is looking into the possibility of getting some immediate help for farmers and ranchers in Texas and Florida. At the same time, they’re trying to put together the most effective disaster-recovery programs they can design into the new Farm Bill.

Disaster relief will be a very important part of discussions in developing the new Farm Bill.

The devastation to the Texas cotton crop is a good example of the kinds of events that the Farm Bill needs to anticipate and be able to effectively provide help for.

House Ag Committee Chair Mike Conaway.