RFA Thanks 38 Senators for Leadership

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

senators38 senators, led by Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), sent a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, urging him to implement a strong final 2018 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) rule that reflects Congressional intent to promote future biofuels growth. Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Bob Dinneen offered the following statement:

“We applaud the leadership of these lawmakers, led by biofuel champions Sens. Grassley and Klobuchar. EPA’s 2018 RFS proposal, while maintaining the 15 billion gallons statutory requirement for conventional biofuels, would slash the cellulosic biofuel target by nearly one-quarter. If finalized, this would send the wrong signal to the investment community and ultimately harm consumers by limiting choice at the pump.

“Meantime, EPA has issued an additional proposal with further cuts to the 2018 RFS volumes and now there are rumors that the agency is considering allowing U.S. biofuel export volumes to count toward compliance with the RFS. Allowing exported biofuels to count toward a domestic energy program runs afoul of the law, undermines market growth in E15 and higher blends, and would quite likely prompt other countries to impose trade restrictions that would only further erode demand for ethanol. It is a complete betrayal of promises made to farmers and consumers across this country to protect the RFS. EPA must reconsider this anti-farmer, anti-consumer, and anti-innovation proposal.

“All told, EPA is sending all the wrong signals on a program that has helped clean the air, reduce dependency on petroleum and boost local economies. We thank the senators for their leadership and hope Administrator Pruitt heeds their call to implement a final 2018 RFS that follow Congressional intent.”

from Renewable Fuels Association