Fall Foods to Forage

Dan This Land of Ours

fall foraging foodsCathy Isom has a grocery list of foods you can forage in the fall. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.




Now that the summer growing season is behind us, there are lots of delicious and nutritious options waiting for us out in the wild. Foraging enthusiasts already have an idea of which forests and fields to find the goods. But for beginners, the trick for getting started is to tackle only a couple of plants at a time.

The only tools you’ll need are a recyclable bag or sturdy box, a sharp knife, and scissors for harvesting.  Apples may be the number one fall harvest. Crab apples tend to be the wilder option. Other possibilities include Persimmons and prickly pears which are plenty ready in the autumn time. In some areas, wild grapes are an option for snacking or making jelly. Elderberries are also a possibility in early fall.

Nuts are a great find on a forage and are fairly common in the wild. Such as walnuts and chestnuts. Later in the fall pecans, acorns and gingko nuts will make greater appearances. If you’re in the mood for mushrooms, some easy fall finds include porcini, chanterelles, field mushrooms and wood hedgehog. Of course, if you’re not certain in that mushroom will make you sick, check the world wide web before you begin your hunt. Foraging for wild greens can help you bring home a lot of food for just about every meal. The easiest fall finds are chickweed, dandelion, sheep sorrel, and wild mustard greens.

Foraging is not only fun but gets us outdoors to enjoy nature and see some of the fall foliage.

I’m Cathy Isom…