Agri View: Tree Nut Research

Dan Agri View

tree nut researchEverett Griner talks about tree nut research improving in today’s Agri View.




A lot has been written and said about that new pecan variety growers are anxiously looking forward to planting. But, don’t think that pecans are the only tree nut to be undergoing genetic improvement.

California geneticists are deep into an effort to improve the almond. Almonds are already one of the most preferred nuts grown. Mostly in California.

Researchers are also looking at ways to improve walnut production. Not necessarily with a new tree. But with ways to better protect the trees currently being grown. When I say protect, I mean from disease and insects. Not that the walnut is threatened. They just want to produce a better nut.

Actually, the entire tree nut industry is in good shape right now. And, with consumption on the increase worldwide. That has to be good news.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…

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