Vilsack Helping Create Support for Democrats in Middle America

Dan Industry News Release



Former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is dedicating some of his time in trying to help the Democratic party gain support in middle America. ABC News reports Vilsack is part of a group called New Democracy, which includes sitting and former governors, along with others. Will Marshall, the Democratic policy veteran who is running the group, says the group plans to form affiliated political action committees to endorse and raise money for candidates. Marshall, who helped run a similar effort for Democrats like Bill Clinton in the 1980s, says economic policy arguments should rise above party struggles. An example, he said, is highlighting Trump’s more isolationist trade policy and how it is steering foreign partners away from U.S. agriculture. Marshall says: “This is coming home to roost in rural America,” adding ” we need to talk about that the right way and in the right places.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.

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