Agri View: Organic Foods Growing

Dan Agri View, Organic

organic foodsEverett Griner talks about organic foods covers more in today’s Agri View.



Now, what began as a social fad has turned into a worldwide heath obsession. Organic foods. It has grown from a small number of independent growers to nearly 25,000 certified organic operations. That is in America. Worldwide the number is now estimated at over 37,000 certified growers. Remember, these are certified growers. There may be as much uncertified as there are certified. I guess it is our Department of Agriculture that keeps official records. In the beginning, shoppers had to do an extensive search just to locate organic retailers. It was mostly those that produce the organic crops. Well, today there are retail stores for organic foods in practically every community. And, it was mostly plant foods. Today, organic can be animal or vegetable. I think it is safe to say that organic is no longer a fad.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…

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