Trump Pledges to Include Rural Broadband in Infrastructure Plan

Dan Industry News Release, Technology

rural broadbandPresident Donald Trump pledged to include rural broadband in his infrastructure plan while in Iowa Wednesday. The President visited Kirkwood University in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to talk agricultural technology, and held a rally in downtown Cedar Rapids. Trump was joined by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross while highlighting the need to expand rural broadband to give farmers access to new tools, according to Politico. The event was also a sendoff for former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, now U.S. Ambassador to China, as he heads for Beijing following his confirmation vote by the Senate last month. Bill Northey, who is reported to be Perdue’s pick for a key Department of Agriculture undersecretary post, also attended the events. Northey currently serves as Iowa’s Secretary of Agriculture.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.

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