Agri View: Weather Is Important for Crop Outlook

Dan Agri View, Cotton, Wheat

crop outlookEverett Griner talks about the crop outlook for 2017, factoring in the weather, in today’s Agri View.




Market analysts were predicting another tough year for cotton and grain farmers back in early April. In storage, supplies of all crops were above average and early planting intentions from the March survey were higher than expected. But still, market experts felt 2017 would be a better year than 2016. Now all of this optimism is based on what I have already mentioned. Stock, current market levels, and current market intentions: That is all they have to go by. Nobody factored in the weather. That is the determining factor in any crop year. A good growing season can only destabilize prices and they will fall. Long-range forecasting calls for a long, hot dry, summer for some sections, especially in the Southeast. So, all farmers can do is wait, and hope.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…