Agri View: Weather Costly to Producers

Dan Agri View, Weather



Everett Griner talks about the impact weather has had on our food producers in today’s Agri View.


You know it takes good weather to produce a good crop. The past 12 months have been one of the most disastrous years in decades for farmers all across the country. The very southern portion, from the weather producersCarolinas to Texas have experienced crop losses well above the normal. A record number of tornadoes, what we now call straight line wind storms, have pounded Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Each state registering unusually high crop losses. I told you about the peach crop, blueberries and early sweet corn. Now you can add the early watermelon crop. Not just winds. Wildfire losses in the Texas panhandle alone have exceeded $20 million dollars. Now long-range forecasting calls for a long, hot, dry summer. And you know, some people still don’t believe in climate change.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.

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