Commerce Department Investigating Argentina and Indonesia Biodiesel Imports

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

biodiesel importsThe U.S. Commerce Department has launched an antidumping and countervailing duty investigation aimed at biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia. DTN-The Progressive Farmer reports the investigation is in response to a complaint filed by the biodiesel industry in the United States. U.S. biodiesel industry representatives testified to the International Trade Commission last week, saying biodiesel produced in Argentina and Indonesia has been flooding the U.S. market since 2014. The industry claims the subsidized biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia forced U.S. producers out of their home market. The Commerce Department says there is reason to believe that Argentine and Indonesian biodiesel companies were selling into the U.S. “at less-than-fair value.” The National Biodiesel Board said imports from Argentina and Indonesia increased by more than 460 percent from 2014 to 2016, gaining about 18 percent of U.S. market share during that time.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.

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