USDA Ordered to Submit Staff Reduction Plan

Dan Industry News Release

submitThe White House has ordered the U.S. Department of Agriculture and all federal agencies to submit a plan by June 30th to shrink their civilian workforces and meet the president’s goal to reduce the government’s size and scope. While it’s unlikely the administration can shrink the federal bureaucracy as much as they want, agriculture is bracing for the impact. Even modest personnel cuts could impact the ability of agencies to deliver services and the USDA has a lot of them. Here’s American Farm Bureau Executive Director Dale Moore.

President Trump lifted his hiring freeze last week, but then directed agencies to write long-term blueprints to cut back staffs starting a year from this October. Moore says.

Agencies like USDA, EPA, and State took the biggest cuts in Trump’s initial budget plan last month, where his proposal included a 21-percent cut to USDA.

Budget Director Mick Mulvaney says the new administration’s effort to overhaul the 2-point-1 million-person civilian workforce will be more far-reaching than those of previous White Houses.

Layoffs, buyouts, early retirement offers, and even outsourcing to state or local governments or private companies are all on the table. These can be difficult times for employers and employees, so it is not uncommon for Pittsburgh attorneys HKM to assist in answering difficult employee and employer questions, as well as handling the difficult cases presented once proceeding with layoffs and changes or reductions of benefits.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)

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