U.S. Beef Hopefully Soon Heading to China

Dan Beef, Export/Import

beef chinaIt was announced earlier this week that President Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping had reached a deal in principal to allow U.S. beef into China for the first time since the 2003 BSE outbreak here in the U.S. But, American Farm Bureau Federation Trade Adviser Dave Salmonsen is viewing that development with caution, saying it would not be the first time China has said it’s lifting the ban on U.S. beef but failed to follow through.

Salmonsen hopes the new plan is a sign China’s regulatory red tape can now be resolved. The deal is part of China’s concessions at last week’s Trump-Xi summit, including allowing more U.S. access to financial sector investments. And the summit produced more.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)

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