American Soybean Association Testifies to Congress on Research Funding

Dan Industry News Release, Soybeans

American Soybean AssociationAmerican Soybean Association Chairman Richard Wilkins testified Thursday on the significant role that public-sector research plays in continuing the stream of technological innovations in agriculture. Wilkins testified in his capacity as vice president of the National Coalition for Food and Agriculture Research before the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture and Research. In his testimony, Wilkins spoke to the user-driven nature of the public-sector research industry, and how stakeholders from all points in the farm-to-consumer supply chain benefit from robust agricultural research. Wilkins says tools provided through publicly funded research will help agriculture meet the challenges of the future. He advocated continued funding and support for research functions at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Wilkins says the U.S. is “not investing enough in publicly funded research to permit discovery necessary to regain and then maintain our nation’s place as the leader in agricultural research.” China recently overtook the U.S. as the top government funder of agricultural research.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.