A coalition of the nation’s top biofuels advocates united together as Fuels America resolved to reject a move by Carl Icahn, owner of CVR Refining, to destabilize the Renewable Fuels Standard.
They’ve also severed ties with the Renewable Fuels Association. Fuels America says it represents diverse groups that are working to protect America’s Renewable Fuels Standard. A Fuels America statement says, “We adamantly oppose any effort to derail the RFS by shifting the point of obligation and exempting certain refiners and fuel importers from their responsibility to deliver cleaner and more affordable fuel options for consumers.” The group says in Icahn’s conflicted role of refiner as well as White House advisor, he’s now attempting to mislead biofuels advocates into accepting changes to the Renewable Fuels Standard in exchange for changing outdated Environmental Protection Agency regulations that limit the summer sales of ethanol. “Despite our opposition to Mr. Icahn and his efforts, the Renewable Fuels Association has elected to support Mr. Icahn,” the statement reads. “Because the RFA’s position is no longer aligned with America’s biofuels industry, the Fuels America coalition has resolved to sever ties with the group.”
From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.