An Update on Zika in Florida

Randall Weiseman Ag "Outdoors", Florida, General, Industry News Release

From Adam Putnam, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services:

Adam Putnam

Adam Putnam


Officials recently confirmed that local transmission of Zika is occurring in two small areas in Miami-Dade County and announced an investigation into a non-travel related case in Pinellas County. This week, I joined Governor Scott in Miami-Dade County to meet with local leaders and residents in the impacted areas.

Across the state, there has been—and will continue to be—a proactive approach to prevent the spread of Zika.

Our department is doing everything we can to support the Florida Department of Health, local mosquito control programs and communities throughout the state as they combat mosquitoes that transmit Zika.

Several months ago, we equipped our Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory with the tools it needs to test mosquitoes for the Zika virus. To date, none of the more than 27,000 mosquitoes tested has been positive for Zika.

In addition to testing, we are providing expertise on eliminating the mosquitoes that spread Zika, training pest control companies in case they need to support existing efforts, and communicating regularly with mosquito control programs to identify their needs. We have also purchased and distributed traps to assist with mosquito surveillance.

You can help, too, by draining standing water and covering containers that may collect water. By eliminating mosquito breeding areas, you can help protect Floridians and visitors from Zika. For more information on how you can help protect yourself from Zika, visit the Florida Department of Health’s website.

Combating mosquitoes in Florida isn’t new—we’re accustomed to fighting these pests and the illnesses they bring. Florida has the expertise and experience necessary to combat Zika, and we will continue to do everything we can to keep Florida safe.
