Dear FCM Members and Friends:
As you know, the budget process in Tallahassee is winding down. By any measure the Florida citrus industry had a tremendous 2016 session. With Governor Scott’s staff poring over the budget and sharpening his veto pen, it’s time for you to mobilize and let him know that we appreciate his support and how important the citrus-related items in the budget are to our industry.
Please call or e-mail the governor at 850-488-7146 or Let him know that all 2016 citrus appropriations are critical to the future of our $10.8 billion industry and its 62,000 jobs. In particular ask him NOT to veto two specific measures:
• $650,000 for the New Varieties Program.
• $7 million to the Florida Department of Citrus for marketing programs.
Make the call or e-mail short and to the point. We have done a lot of ground work already; his staffers are familiar with the issues. The general phone calls will be logged and reviewed so you don’t need to address anyone specifically.
Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter. Make the phone call or write the e-mail NOW!
Mike Sparks
Executive VP/CEO
Florida Citrus Mutual
Larry Black
Florida Citrus Mutual