Deadline Nearing for Georgia Cotton Producers to Vote

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Field Crops, Georgia, Industry News Release

Georgia Cotton CommissionGeorgia cotton producers are being reminded that the deadline to get their vote in on renewing the $1 per bale assessment which funds the Georgia Cotton Commission is coming up next week.

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From the Georgia Department of Agriculture:

Georgia cotton farmers will have the opportunity to vote on renewing the $1 bale assessment which funds the Georgia Cotton Commission. The Commission is charged by law with providing programs of research, promotion and education on behalf of Georgia cotton producers. Throughout the 50 year history of the Georgia Cotton Commission, millions of dollars have been invested in research and promotion.

Much of the funds received by the Commission are committed to research projects conducted by the University of Georgia regarding issues related to cotton production to provide producers with the latest information and techniques to keep their operations profitable. Some of the projects funded include work on: Palmer amaranth pigweed, insect control, nematode control programs, product comparisons, fertility studies and varietal trials.

The 2014 Georgia Farm Gate Value Report communicated Georgia’s cotton crop was valued at $964,678,523, and is currently the third highest grossing agricultural commodity in the state. In addition to its monetary merit, it is also a significant contributor to the economy of the communities where cotton is grown in Georgia. In 2015, Georgia cotton farmers planted 1,138,000 acres of cotton.

Voting by cotton producers will take place from Feb. 8th to March 8th. Growers should receive a ballot for voting in the mail. They must sign the back of the ballot envelope for the ballot to be valid. Unsigned ballot envelopes will not be counted. If a grower does not receive a ballot, please contact the Georgia Cotton Commission in Perry (478-988-4235), or the Georgia Department of Agriculture in Atlanta (404-586-1405).