From the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services:
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Forest Service, a division of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, announced today that it is now accepting applications for the 2016 Urban and Community Forestry grant program. The program provides funding to local governments, educational institutions, Native-American tribal governments and non-profit groups for urban forestry projects within their communities.
“Trees play a vital role in urban communities,” said Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam. “In addition to improving the aesthetics of our communities, healthy tree canopies have a long list of environmental benefits, especially in developed areas.”
The Urban and Community Forestry grant program is part of Florida’s ongoing initiative to increase tree canopies in developed areas. The program is offered for projects implemented on public lands in all Florida counties. Qualified participants may apply for a minimum of $2,000 and up to $30,000 in matching grant funds. Program projects can include:
• Conducting community tree inventories;
• Preparing urban forestry management plans;
• Developing or updating local tree ordinances;
• Hiring temporary staff;
• Conducting personnel training; and
• Creating urban forestry education programs.
Applications for the program will be accepted through March 31, 2016. To submit a proposal or to learn more, contact a local Florida Forest Service county forester or visit the Florida Urban and Community Forestry grant program webpage. All qualifying applications will be evaluated and ranked for approval. The program is funded by the USDA Forest Service.
The Florida Forest Service manages more than one million acres of public forest land while protecting homes, forestland and natural resources from the devastating effects of wildfire on more than 26 million acres. To learn more about Florida Forest Service programs, visit
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