USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Florida would like to remind landowners in the state that coming up tomorrow, Wednesday October 8, the Liberty/Calhoun County Longleaf Pine Restoration Tour will take place.
WHAT: Tour a restored longleaf pine forest, see how it is managed for wildlife habitat and learn about financial incentives to private landowners. Longleaf pine forests protect springs and groundwater and provide ideal habitat for a diverse array of plants and animals.
WHERE: 10394 NW Longleaf Dr. Bristol, FL
WHEN: Oct. 8, tour preserve 12:30 noon (see agenda)
WHO: Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve and the private longleaf plantation of Terry Eubanks. This workshop is organized by the partners of the Apalachicola Regional Stewardship Alliance, U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service, and University of Florida/, IFAS School of Forest Resources and Conservation.
CONTACT: Chris Demers, 352-846-2375 or 352-514-0819,
REGISTRATION: $5 includes lunch, materials and guided tour. Please register by calling the Calhoun County Extension office at 850-674-8323.
For more information click here.