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Growers to Hear from Peers and Researchers at Citrus Expo
In an interesting twist, growers and researchers will both make presentations on a wide array of issues at the Aug. 17-18 Citrus Expo. Citrus Expo seminar coordinator Tim Spann describes the grower/researcher presentation concept. Also, University of Florida researcher Ron Brlansky discusses his presentation, which will offer clues to how foliar nutrients aid HLB-infected trees.
Florida Citrus Scientist Describes HLB-Related Experiments
At a recent citrus field day at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida scientist Bob Rouse showed off several experiments he’s conducting into possible ways to deal with HLB. Learn more.
$11 Million In HLB Research Funding
The U.S. Department of Agriculture this week announced it will invest $2 million this year, and $9 million more over three years, into HLB, or citrus greening, research. Get more details. Florida Citrus Mutual CEO Mike Sparks addresses the importance of the funding and the timeframe for getting it. Listen to Sparks.
Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Florida Citrus July Forecast
Florida Citrus Yield Up, Prices Increase
Citrus Administrative Committee Redistricting
OJ Heads for Record Cost
Martin County Citrus Growers Want to Diversify
Tropicana’s New Bottling Facility Almost Complete
Treasure Coast Citrus Industry’s Sweet-and-Sour Reality
Congress Considers Federal E-verify Law
Unwanted Pests Harm South Florida Economy
Mexico: 40% of Citrus Industry Burned by Drought
Brazilian Orange Production to Rise 26% in 2011
Roundtable Participant Barben Addresses FL Citrus Grower Issues
Bobby Barben participated in the recent Citrus Industry magazine/Southeast AgNet Grower Roundtable. He notes that the growers shared many of the same concerns. Hear his reports.
July 15-17 Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference, Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee
July 19 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, contact Chris Oswalt at wcoswalt@ufl.edu or 863-519-8677 for required preregistration
July 26 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Lake County Extension Office, Tavares, contact Maggie Jarrell at mjarrell@ufl.edu or 352-343-4101 ext. 2730 for required preregistration
July 27 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Indian River Research and Education Center, Ft. Pierce, contact Tim Gaver at tgaver.49@ufl.edu or 772-462-1660 for required preregistration
Aug. 17 Gulf Citrus Industry Banquet, Harborside Event Center, Ft. Myers, call 863-675-2180 for reservations
Aug. 17-18 Citrus Expo, Lee Civic Center, North Ft. Myers
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com