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Labor Exceeds HLB as Concern to Many Florida Citrus Growers
A recent Citrus Industry magazine/Southeast AgNet Grower Roundtable showed that the availability of labor – especially that required for fruit harvesting – is now a bigger concern to many Florida citrus growers than the devastating disease HLB. Dan Richey, Vic Story, Lee Jones, David Wheeler, Bobby Barben and Richard Kinney discussed a wide array of issues. Learn more.
Researcher Discusses the Advanced Citrus Production System
University of Florida researcher Kelly Morgan discusses many aspects of the advanced citrus production system that some growers are considering in hopes of getting fast production in the face of HLB. Get the details.
Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Eradication of Mediterranean Fruit Flies in Broward County
Citrus Crop Webcast on July 12
Citrus Grower to Rejoin Blue Goose
Grower Resource: UF/IFAS Citrus Greening Database
Technical Articles Abound In July Citrus Industry Magazine
Disease Forces Closure of Jamaican Citrus Farms
Australia: Shortage of Pickers for Bumper Citrus Harvest
Spain: Citrus Exports Up 4.5%; Prices Down 10%
Controversy in Belize’s Citrus Industry
Back at DPI, Gaskalla Says Division Can Help Citrus Growers
Richard Gaskalla, back at the helm of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Division of Plant Industry, tells about his experience during his hiatus and how the division can help citrus growers. Listen to the reports.
July 12 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, DeSoto County Extension Office, Arcadia, contact shf@ufl.edu or 863-993-4847 for required preregistration
July 14 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, Immokalee, contact Mongi Zekri at maz@ufl.edu or 863-674-4092 for required preregistration
July 15-17 Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference, Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee
July 19 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, contact Chris Oswalt at wcoswalt@ufl.edu or 863-519-8677 for required preregistration
July 26 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Lake County Extension Office, Tavares, contact Maggie Jarrell at mjarrell@ufl.edu or 352-343-4101 ext. 2730 for required preregistration
July 27 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Indian River Research and Education Center, Ft. Pierce, contact Tim Gaver at tgaver.49@ufl.edu or 772-462-1660 for required preregistration
Aug. 17 Gulf Citrus Industry Banquet, Harborside Event Center, Ft. Myers, call 863-675-2180 for reservations
Aug. 17-18 Citrus Expo, Lee Civic Center, North Ft. Myers
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com