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Citrus Agent Shares Insights into Low-Volume Sprays for Psyllids
Many Florida citrus growers now use low-volume sprays to control the psyllids that spread HLB. Citrus Extension agent Chris Oswalt shares results of his research into environmental conditions in groves that may affect the sprays. Learn more.
Florida Citrus Panel to Evaluate HLB/Nutrition Research
A committee of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation in August will meet with scientists to evaluate the research being conducted into the use of foliar nutrients on HLB-infected trees. Research Management Committee Chairman Bobby Barben has the details.
Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Hunt, Hollingsworth to Join Florida Citrus Commission
Mutual’s Board Elects Officers for 2011-12 Season
Brazil’s Orange Crop to Rise 32%
Citrus Grove Replanted on Historic FSC Campus
California: Tangerines Outpacing Valencias
Cuba Investing Millions to Revitalize Citrus Industry
Mealybugs Mangle South Australia’s Riverland Citrus
Florida Citrus Field Day at Immokalee: Director’s Summary
More than 80 growers and others toured ongoing citrus experiments at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center June 23. Center Associate Director John Dunckelman provides an overview of the event at Immokalee.
July 12 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, DeSoto County Extension Office, Arcadia, contact shf@ufl.edu or 863-993-4847 for required preregistration.
July 14 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, Immokalee, contact Mongi Zekri at maz@ufl.edu or 863-674-4092 for required preregistration.
July 15-17 Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference, Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee
July 19 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, contact Chris Oswalt at wcoswalt@ufl.edu or 863-519-8677 for required preregistration.
July 26 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Lake County Extension Office, Tavares, contact Maggie Jarrell at mjarrell@ufl.edu or 352-343-4101 ext. 2730 for required preregistration.
July 27 Citrus Copper Application Scheduler Meeting, Indian River Research and Education Center, Ft. Pierce, contact Tim Gaver at tgaver.49@ufl.edu or 772-462-1660 for required preregistration.
Aug. 17 Gulf Citrus Growers Association annual banquet, Harborside Event Center, Ft. Myers, call 863-675-2180 for reservations
Aug. 17-18 Citrus Expo, Lee Civic Center, North Ft. Myers
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com