Florida Citrus Mutual Executive Vice President/CEO Mike Sparks issued the following report today:
“I am very disappointed to report Governor Scott plans to sign SB 2122. The bill makes several organizational changes to the Florida Department of Citrus including implementing redistricting and shrinking the number of Commission appointments. During the past few weeks, Mutual and the Florida citrus industry made a very strong push to convince Governor Scott to veto the bill. I want to personally thank all of you who made calls and sent e-mails.
“Over the next couple of months, we will solicit industry input and stand ready to communicate improvements and/or streamlining to Chapter 601 to the Legislature and the Governor next session. The Governor and his staff have pledged to work with us on any additional changes to Chapter 601.
“Unfortunately, we have more bad news. Later today the Governor will announce his line item budget vetoes and it is our understanding he plans to eliminate nearly $1 billion in state spending. We anticipate the Governor will strike the $2.0 million appropriated for citrus disease research. This much-needed funding was to supplement grower assessments in support of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation.”