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Quality Containerized Citrus Trees 352-472-9185
UF Researcher Discusses Foliar Nutrients and HLB
University of Florida researcher Tim Spann summarizes the apparent benefits of foliar nutrients for HLB-infected citrus trees. Hear his report.
Citrus Industry Gets Research Funds and Restrictions
Florida’s citrus industry got something it asked for from the state Legislature – $2 million for research; and something it didn’t – restrictions on the Florida Citrus Commission. Get the details from Citrus Industry editor Ernie Neff and Florida Citrus Mutual’s Andrew Meadows.
Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Insecticide Resistance Developing in Asian Citrus Psyllid
Very Few Changes in Monthly Citrus Forecast
Legislation Means Major Changes for Citrus Commission
Growers Want Veto of Proposed Citrus Code Changes
Citrus Prices Raise Alico’s Profits Nearly 100%
Florida Fresh Citrus Update: Japan and Volume Totals
Collins Interview from Citrus Mentor Luncheon
Drought Cuts Bolivian Citrus Production 25%
Citrus Expo Seminars Set; Preregistration Now Available
New Citrus Expo reports outline the seminar agenda set for Aug. 17-18, tell how to preregister for the event and preview what’s for lunch. Listen to the details.
May 24-26 Field to the Hill, Florida Farm Bureau’s annual visit to Washington, D.C.
May 26 Management of Citrus Diseases, Immokalee IFAS Center, required RSVP to 863-674-4092 or maz@ufl.edu
June 2 Citrus Golf Day, The Country Club of Sebring, contact Jan at the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association at 863-385-8091
June 5-7 Florida State Horticultural Society annual meeting, Marriott Vinoy Renaissance, St. Petersburg Resort and Golf Club.
June 15-17 Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, Bonita Springs
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com