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Florida Senate Immigration Bill Still in Negotiations
The Legislature’s effort to step up enforcement of federal immigration laws remained in limbo Wednesday as advocates for immigrants came to the Capitol and the Senate president shifted responsibility for trying to work the issue out. Get the details here. Ben Parks, Florida Farm Bureau director of state legislative affairs, tells why e-verify would be bad for Florida producers. Stay tuned to www.southeastagnet.com for continuing coverage of this hot topic.
New Machines, Citrus Tree Health are Topics at Harvest Field Day
An earth-bound olive harvester that might be used on oranges and a flying octocopter were among the sights harvesters and growers witnessed at last week’s Mechanical Harvesting Field Day at Immokalee. University of Florida’s Fritz Roka shares the details.
Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
FCC Backs Limiting Its Tax Increase Authority
CRDF to Absorb CIRCC
Update on Interstate Movement of Citrus Nursery Stock
CitraPac Inc. Partners with Sweetbay Supermarkets
Fort Pierce USDA Lab to Gain Eight New Scientists
Development in the Sale of FDOC Building
Update on Abscission Agent/Mechanical Harvesting Aid
A Tangerine a Day Could Keep the Doctor Away
Harvesting Aid CMNP’s Experimental Use Permit Delayed
New Research: Grapefruit for Weight Loss Success
Mexican Drug Cartels Interfering with Produce Imports
Labor, Research Funding Among Big Fla. Citrus Mutual Issues
Florida Citrus Mutual President Vic Story discusses some of the major issues Mutual is working on, including state immigration legislation under consideration, efforts to get citrus research funding from tariffs on imported citrus products, the H2A labor program and proposed federal water regulations for Florida. Hear his reports.
May 3 Florida Citrus Mutual’s Area Meeting and Board of Directors Election, Lake County Ag Center, Tavares, contact 863-682-1111
May 10 Mid Florida Citrus Foundation Field Day, Conserv II, Winter Garden
May 24-26 Field to the Hill, Florida Farm Bureau’s annual visit to Washington, D.C.
June 2 Citrus Golf Day, The Country Club of Sebring, contact Jan at the Highlands Country Citrus Growers Association at 863-385-8091
June 5-7 Florida State Horticultural Society annual meeting, Marriott Vinoy Renaissance, St. Petersburg Resort and Golf Club.
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com