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New Research Methods Used for Citrus Greening, Psyllids
USDA scientist Bob Shatters tells why new control measures and research techniques are needed in the fight against psyllids and the HLB they spread. He also discusses one specific effort to control psyllids by disrupting their feeding. Listen to the reports.
Click on the links below to read of hear the stories.
Florida Citrus Mutual: Oppose State Immigration Bills
Gaskalla Returns as Director of Division of Plant Industry
Consolidated Citrus Buys Property for Headquarters
Grapefruit Ingredient Repels Insects
Top Citrus Officials Debate Marketing
Remembering E.T. York, Founder of UF/IFAS
Citrus Grower Harold B. McTeer Passes Away
Polk Company Uses Oranges to Distill Vodka
Tropicana’s Orange-Powered Billboard
Belize Citrus Industry CEO Targeted by Hitman
Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
SMART Nitrogen Fertilizers-Micronutrients-Phosphites
Citrus Psyllids, Especially Nymphs, Acquire HLB Quickly
University of Florida researcher Kirsten Pelz-Stelinski says psyllids can acquire the HLB bacteria in one day of feeding and then be able to spread it to other trees. According to Pelz-Stelinski, psyllid nymphs have a high acquisition rate, so scouting for and controlling the nymphs is extremely important in the effort to curtail HLB spread. Hear the details.
Mature Citrus Mentor Marvin Kahn Shares Memories & Views
Marvin Kahn traveled from Sebring on a rainy March day to attend a mature citrus mentor luncheon in Tavares. He tells how he got into the business and acknowledges his strong support for Florida Department of Citrus marketing efforts. Learn more.
April 26 Citrus Research and Development Foundation board of directors and committee meetings, Lake Alfred
Florida Citrus Mutual’s Area Meetings and Board of Directors Elections:
April 26 Jay Clark’s Linda Lou Ranch, Zolfo Springs
April 27 Southwest Florida REC, Immokalee
May 3 Lake County Ag Center, Tavares
Contact 863-682-1111
May 10 Mid Florida Citrus Foundation Field Day, Conserv II, Winter Garden
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com