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Special Rebate Offer Jan. 1-May 31, 2011
Highlands Citrus Growers on HLB Progress and CHMAs
Some Highlands County citrus growers shared their impressions of an international HLB research conference held earlier this year. Citrus Extension agent Tim Hurner summarizes the positive reactions, and grower/caretaker Mark McLean says he has seen a “quantum leap” in HLB research progress. Hurner also discusses the citrus health management area (CHMA) program aimed at reducing HLB-spreading psyllids in Highlands County, and McLean describes his company’s successful participation in CHMAs. Hear the reports.
Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
“Live” Citrus Crop Forecast Update April 8
Asian Citrus Psyllid Genome Poster Available Online
Earn a CEU from Citrus Industry Magazine
Citrus Growers Institute Focuses on HLB and Psyllids
Callery-Judge Hopes to Settle Foreclosure Suit
Millions of Sterile Medflies Dropped on Pompano Beach
Ag Leader Pays Dues as Bug Scout
Univ. of Ghana Discovers Technology to Preserve Oranges
HLB Could Destroy 50% of Tamaulipas Citrus in 6 Years
Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
SMART Nitrogen Fertilizers-Micronutrients-Phosphites
Entomologist Discusses Citrus Leafminer Incidence and Control
University of Florida entomologist Michael Rogers says leafminer usually doesn’t become a problem until May; he offers some control tips.
Citrus ‘Old Timers’ Learn Label History, Share Their Stories
More than 50 ‘mature citrus mentors,’ or ‘old timers,’ gathered for an annual luncheon in Tavares last week. Listen to the reports for an overview of the gathering and to hear meeting speaker Jim Ellis briefly recount the history of citrus labels and share some of his earliest citrus memories. Citrus Industry magazine editor Ernie Neff interviewed several other mentors at the meeting; we’ll share some of their memories in the weeks to come.
April 13 Certified Crop Adviser Educational Seminar and CEU Session on Management of Citrus Diseases, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, RSVP required to 863-674-4092 or maz@ufl.edu
April 16 Highlands County Farm Bureau 2011 Cracker Shoot, Quail Creek Plantation, Okeechobee, contact 863-385-5141
Florida Citrus Mutual’s Area Meetings and Board of Directors Elections:
April 19 W.H. Stuart Center, Bartow
April 20 Indian River Citrus League, Vero Beach
April 26 Jay Clark’s Linda Lou Ranch, Zolfo Springs
April 27 Southwest Florida REC, Immokalee
May 3 Lake County Ag Center, Tavares
Contact 863-682-1111
April 20 Florida Citrus Commission’s Domestic Marketing Committee meeting, Florida Department of Citrus, Bartow, contact 863-537-3999
April 20 Citrus Mechanical Harvesting and Abscission Program Field Day, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, Immokalee
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com