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Florida Citrus Production in 10 Years May Be Near Current Levels
Florida Department of Citrus economist Mark Brown projects that Florida could produce approximately 140 million boxes of oranges and 19 million boxes of grapefruit in 10 years, very close to current levels. The optimistic projection is based in part on recent good psyllid control practices and evidence that many growers are replanting trees. Brown gives foliar nutrition programs that are keeping HLB-infected trees productive some of the credit for the good projections. Listen to his reports.
Citrus Official Discusses Sales, Consumption and Imports
Florida Department of Citrus Deputy Executive Director Bob Norberg reports on recent orange juice sales, tells why the industry should continue expanding consumption of citrus products even with Florida citrus production expected to remain flat, and suggests that increased consumption could lead to more imports. Learn more.
Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Indian River Citrus Group Discussing Plans to Aid Japanese
Tom Turpen Will Be Interim COO of CRDF
Alico Fights IRS Demand for $26.8 Million
Bill Becker Donates $5 Million to Florida Southern College
Immigration: Hot Button Issue of 2011 Legislative Session
Coordinated Spraying Reduces Citrus Greening Pest
Good Year for Lemons/OJ, but not Tangerines/Grapefruit
Arizona Citrus May Face Quarantine
South African Citrus Production Increasing
All About Citrus Health Management Areas (CHMAs)
University of Florida entomologist Michael Rogers discusses the advantages of CHMAs, says CHMAs don’t have to encompass huge areas, and tells how growers can form a CHMA where one doesn’t exist. Get the details.
March 31 Mature Citrus Mentor Luncheon, Lake County Agricultural Center, Tavares
April 1 USDA Horticultural Research Lab Open House, Ft. Pierce, contact 772-462-5800
April 2 Gulf Citrus Country Gala, LaBelle Civic Center, contact 863-675-2180
April 6 Annual Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute, South Florida Community College, Avon Park, Florida, contact Jane Wilson at 863-956-1151 or mjw@crec.ifas.ufl.edu
Florida Citrus Mutual’s Area Meetings and Board of Directors Elections:
April 19 W.H. Stuart Center, Bartow
April 20 Indian River Citrus League, Vero Beach
April 26 Jay Clark’s Linda Lou Ranch, Zolfo Springs
April 27 Southwest Florida REC, Immokalee
May 3 Lake County Ag Center, Tavares
Contact 863-682-1111
April 20 Florida Citrus Commission’s Domestic Marketing Committee meeting, Florida Department of Citrus, Bartow, contact 863-537-3999
April 20 Citrus Mechanical Harvesting and Abscission Program Field Day, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, Immokalee
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com