At an induction ceremony held Thursday evening at the 2010 Cattle Industry Convention in San Antonio, Texas, Lana Slaten of Cullman, Alabama was elected 59th president of the American National CattleWomen, Inc. (ANCW). Slaten has served CattleWomen and the beef industry on the local, state and national level. She has served as Alabama CattleWomen president and in numerous capacities at the state and local level. She became involved on the national level as the ANCW Region II Director when Alabama hosted the region meeting in 1996. Lana and husband Terry reside in Cullman.
She has been involved in the cattle industry all of her adult life, having married a large-animal veterinarian and operating a small family cow-calf operation. She is a registered nurse in the G.I. lab at Cullman Regional Medical Center. They have a 15-year old son, Gus, who is active in the Cullman High School Band and loves working on the farm.
ANCW’s 2009 Executive Committee members, in addition to Lana Slaten, are: President Elect Jill Ginn, Granbury, Texas; Recording Secretary Evelyn Brown, Cullman, Ala; Past President Kristy Lage, Neb.; Region I Director Bonnie Bargstedt, N.Y.; Region II Director Marcia Callaway, Ga.; Region III Director Bev Rowe, Iowa: Region IV Director D’dee Haynes, Okla.; Region V Director Peggy Biaggi, Ore.; Region VI Director Barbara Jackson, Ariz.; Region VII Director Janice Rustad, N.D.; Parliamentarian, Susie Magnuson, Colo.; and Karen Harrison, Ala, Historian.