Bayer CropScience has about 300 people from 18 different countries gathered this week in Miami for its first Pan-American Weed Resistance Conference. Researchers, company representatives, and some of us ag media types are learning
more about weed resistance issues that are developing in many different crops around the world. Among the presenters, weed scientist Dr. Andrew Price (photo left) from USDA’s Ag Research Lab in Auburn, Alabama, and extension weed specialist Dr. Larry Steckel (photo right) from the University of Tennessee. In this first cut, Price says Alabama producers can learn a lot from what Georgia producers have already been through:
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and in this cut, Steckel says Georgia producers have been on the front cutting edge of having to deal with Glyphosate resistance in weeds:
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We’ll have lots more in reports to come from both of these fellows, so stay tuned!