FL Farm Bureau Hosts “Council of Presidents” in Gainesville

Gary Cooper Florida, General

County Farm Bureau Presidents from around Florida gather at the state FB office this week in GainesvilleFarm Bureau develops its policies from the grass roots up. Florida Farm Bureau has organized County Farm Bureaus in nearly every Florida county. Once each year County Presidents, farmers themselves, participate in this event aimed at keeping county leaders informed and engaged in helping to represent their members statewide. Florida Farm Bureau’s two-day “Council of Presidents” has a Information about some FB members services are on display for County Farm Bureau Presidents at the state FB office this week in Gainesvillefull house this week, with nearly every county Farm Bureau in the state represented. Farm Bureau has lots of member services, materials about some of which were on display for those in attendance (photo left). Water, Property Rights and the state’s economic downturn are top issues facing Florida farmers in the coming year. Stay tuned in reports to come for more about those issues.