New Florida Citrus Commissioners Appointed

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida

Florida Governor Charlie Crist has confirmed his most recent appointments to the Florida Citrus Commission. Confirmation is still required by the Florida Senate. Meanwhile here are the appointments announced this week:
Victor B. Story, 63, of Lake Wales, president of Story Grove Service Inc., succeeds Wesley Brumback as a grower member on the Commission. Robert M. Behr, 55, of Lakeland, vice president of planning and product services with Citrus World, reappointed as a processor member. David P. Wheeler, 46, of Lake Placid, president of Wheeler Farms Inc., reappointed as a grower member. Michael J. Garavaglia Jr., 41, of Vero Beach, president of The Packers of Indian River Ltd., succeeds Cody Estes as a shipper member. Each of their terms will end at the end of May 2012.