The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association just released this statement concerning the passing of Paul Hitch, a well-known leader in the cattle industry….
Best known for his success in cattle feeding, Paul was president and chairman of Hitch Enterprises, Inc. and Hitch AgriBusiness, Inc. -  diversified agricultural operations based in the Oklahoma panhandle region.  Paul was a former chairman of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Policy Division and the NCBA Live Cattle Marketing Committee. He had served the past two years as vice-president and president-elect of NCBA. But he was unable to accept a term as NCBA president, due to his serious illness.At last month’s Cattle Industry Annual Convention in Reno, the industry paid tribute to Paul for his many years of dedicated service and leadership. NCBA officers presented Paul with a letter of appreciation for decades of outstanding service to the association, as well as his leadership in state and local cattlemen’s organizations.“At every level on which you have served, your fellow cattlemen have benefited from your knowledge, candor, and good old-fashioned common sense. It has truly been an honor to serve at your side, and we are all richer for the experience,” the NCBA officers stated.Â