FDOC Sunset Review – Grower Point, Counterpoint

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida

Wes BrumbackAt Thursday’s meeting of the Joint Legislative Sunset Committee in Winter Haven, Charles Lucas, Consolidated Citrusseveral growers and grower group representatives spoke in favor of the Florida Department of Citrus and the grower taxes that support it, while C E O of the state’s largest citrus grower, Charles Lucas representing Consolidated Citrus’s 50-thousand acres, spoke in favor of a referendum giving weight to acreage numbers over numbers of growers voting. PRVCGA's Barbara CarltonIn these four reports, hear comments from citrus grower and member of the Citrus Commission Wesley Brumback, Peace River Valley Citrus Growers’ Association Executive Director Barbara Carlton, and Charles Lucas of Consolidated Citrus. Stay tuned, we’ll have further comments from others in the debate, including Florida Citrus Mutual’s Mike Sparks, in reports to come.
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