Something different, we’re posting several
raw interviews at once in this post so citrus folks can hear what’s being said about the new FDOC tax proposals for the coming season. For those willing to load and listen, maybe it will help foster productive discussions going on throughout citrus country in the weeks to come. The first five interviews were done the day of the Citrus Commission meeting May 16, and the last one is via phone with Doug Bournique after his Indian River League Board met about the tax issue May 17. Stay tuned to this website, we will be doing lots more of this as the website continues to develop. Thanks for tuning in!
Citrus Commission Chairman Steve Ryan (1:15 wma)
FDOC Ken Keck on Box Tax Rates (5:23 wma)
Citrus Commissioner Cody Estes from Indian River Area (1:37 wma)
Indian River Citrus League Doug Bournique (3:01 wma)
CItrus Research Coordinating Council Exec Dir John Jackson (8:11 wma)
Indian River Citrus League Doug Bournique AFTER IRCL Board Mtg May 17 (3:01 wma)