Perdue, Conaway, and Groups Comment on Farm Bill Vote

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

house farm bill debatePerdue on Farm Bill Vote in House of Representatives

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued the following statement regarding the initial vote on the 2018 Farm Bill in the U.S. House of Representatives:

“A Farm Bill is necessary to provide our farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers with the stability and predictability they need. Our farmers feed the people of this nation and the world, and they deserve the certainty of a Farm Bill.”

Conaway: Down, But Not Out

House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (R-TX) issued the following statement on today’s House farm bill vote:

“We experienced a setback today after a streak of victories all week. We may be down, but we are not out. We will deliver a strong, new farm bill on time as the President of the United States has called on us to do. Our nation’s farmers and ranchers and rural America deserve nothing less.”

Yoho on Defeat of 2018 Farm Bill

Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL) released the following statement after the House failed to pass the 2018 Farm Bill.

This is a sad day for America’s farmers and ranchers.  I am disappointed that some of my Republican colleagues could not see the forest for the trees and my Democrat colleagues played politics with this vital piece of legislation.

“America’s farmers and ranchers are the reason we have the safest, most abundant food supply in the world. These hardworking families are one percent of the U.S. population, and yet they put food on the table for more than 300 million people daily; not to mention all over the world.  The bill we should have passed would give them the certainty and security they need to provide for all of us. Now they have neither.

“The 35 meaningful improvements my colleagues and I made to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will not be implemented. Improvements that will provide able-bodied adults with the job training they need to find work. Improvements that match unemployed and underemployed SNAP recipients with open jobs that will help them climb the economic ladder and improve their futures.

“As a large animal veterinarian who has been involved with the agriculture community most of my life, I am proud of the work my Republican colleagues and I accomplished in committee. Our work was for everyone who works in acres and not hours; making their living from the land. I also applaud Chairman Conaway and the House Agriculture Committee staff for all their hard work and dedication.

“Moving forward, I will continue to educate members of Congress on the importance of delivering urgently-needed farm policy that will pass Congress and become law as soon as possible.”

AFBF: Farm Bill Vote a Blow to America’s Farmers and Ranchers

The following statement may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall:

“We are already starting to hear from farmers across the nation, many of whom are perplexed and outraged at this morning’s vote. They are facing very real financial challenges. We call on all members of Congress not to use farmers and ranchers as pawns in a political game. The risk management tools of the farm bill are too important, particularly at a time of depressed farm prices. We urge the House to pass H.R. 2 as soon as possible.”

Freedom Caucus Derails Farm Bill Filled With Priorities for Farmers and Ranchers

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Executive Director of Government Affairs Allison Cooke today issued the following statement in response to the vote on H.R. 2, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018, in the House of Representatives:

This vote on the 2018 House Farm Bill is a disappointing outcome for American cattlemen and women. It is unfortunate that some in Congress chose not to stand with the farmers and ranchers who work hard every day to feed families in the United States and around the world. The bill addresses a number of priorities for producers, including an expanded Foot and Mouth Disease vaccine bank, funding for environmental stewardship initiatives, and trade promotion programs. It is critical that Congress pass a new Farm Bill before September 30th to provide certainty for cattle and beef producers. We will continue to work with our allies in Congress to make that happen.”

NACD on house farm bill vote

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) released a statement after the U.S. House of Representatives voted to defeat the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (H.R. 2).

“We are disappointed the House was unable to advance a farm bill today,” NACD President Brent Van Dyke said. “Today’s defeat brings us further away from passing a new farm bill on time and providing producers with the certainty they need to continue feeding and clothing this nation. Farmers and ranchers across the country utilize farm bill conservation programs on their operations every day to preserve natural resources for future generations. With just over four months before the current farm bill expires, Congress must come together to protect America’s producers.”

NCGA on House Failure to Pass Farm Bill

North Dakota farmer Kevin Skunes, president of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), made the following statement after the House failed to pass the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (H.R. 2).

“Passing a farm bill through the House is the first, critical, step in getting a new bill. NCGA urges House Leaders to quickly find a way forward to pass a new farm bill as soon as possible. Depressed commodity prices, the increasing threat of a trade war, and disruptions in the ethanol market are creating uncertainty across rural America. Our farmers need clarity on the prospects of a new farm bill signed into law this year.

“While today’s action is disappointing, we will continue to work with members of Congress and advocate for a strong farm bill that can be signed into law this year.”

World Wildlife Fund on failure of the Farm Bill in the House

In response to the Farm Bill’s failure to pass in the House of Representatives, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released the following statement from Dr. Melinda Cep, senior director of policy for its Markets and Food program:

“The House just hit the reset button on the Farm Bill. Today’s failure offers Congress an opportunity to reconsider a bipartisan bill that reflects the needs of America’s farmers and ranchers.

“A strong Farm Bill includes conservation incentives to give farmers and ranchers more of a free hand in protecting those American grasslands and wildlife habitats that have immense environmental value, but little productive value for agriculture.

“Congress needs to revise important provisions of the bill, beginning with restoring the $800 million baseline to the conservation title. Without this baseline, we’re setting a low bar for conservation in future Farm Bills while putting essential wildlife and grassland habitats at risk.”

ASA Disappointed in House Failure to Pass Farm Bill

The American Soybean Association (ASA) expressed deep disappointment with the U.S. House of Representatives failure to pass H.R. 2, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018. ASA calls on the U.S. House of Representatives to continue to work to seek passage of a Farm Bill this year to provide certainty and stability for growers.

“Plain and simple: the farm bill matters,” said ASA President and Iowa soybean grower John Heisdorffer. “U.S. soybean growers and everyone involved in agriculture depend on this vital piece of legislation. This bill provides a farm safety net, improves conservation, places value on exports and feeds our nation.”

ASA was pleased with the outcome of several amendments, including strong votes to defeat amendments that would have eliminated vital farm programs.

“Soybean growers are facing a down farm economy and significant export uncertainty, and are relying on a strong farm bill,” Heisdorffer said. “The House failure to pass a farm bill only adds to the uncertainty across rural America.”