Soybean Growers Want Dicamba Damage Answers

Dan Environment, Industry News Release, Soybeans

soybeanThe American Soybean Association is demanding more answers regarding dicamba drift damage.

ASA President Ron Moore this week addressed dicamba drift in a statement. Moore says the issue “isn’t going away,” and is “only getting worse.” The Association says it is supporting research at land grant universities to find answers. Moore says the independent research is needed, as well as research by states to “determine the root causes of this widespread problem and how to address them.”

There are now a reported 2,200 complaints affecting 3.1 million acres of soybeans in 21 of 30 soybean-growing states, and ASA expects those numbers to climb.

Moore says it’s “very important” to recognize that the industry does not have all the data needed to “clearly determine the causes” of dicamba drift damage.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.