Court Upholds Ban on Front Yard Vegetable Gardens

Dan Industry News Release, Vegetables

A state appeals court Wednesday rejected a constitutional challenge to a Miami Shores ordinance that bars residents from planting vegetable gardens in their front yards. Hermine Ricketts and Tom Carroll, a married couple, filed a lawsuit after a code inspector issued a notice of violation because of their front-yard vegetable garden. Represented by attorneys from the Institute for Justice, a …

Grow Veggies Differently-Hydroponics

Dan Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

Cathy Isom dives into a different way to grow veggies, or just about any plant, with very little space or soil. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. You may be hearing the word Hydroponics a lot these days. It’s because it’s becoming quite popular for farmers and gardeners and urban garden designers who can grow plants vertically. Hydroponics …

Lasagna Garden

Dan This Land of Ours

  Cathy Isom tells us how to make a Lasagna garden bed. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.   Lasagna gardening has nothing to do with that Italian cuisine we’re all very fond of. But if done correctly, a lasagna gardening bed could create the perfect soil for some of the veggies that we can plant and one …