What to Plant in a Hanging Basket Garden

Dan Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours

Cathy Isom continues her series by giving you a few tips about what you should and shouldn’t plant in your hanging basket garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Having a hanging basket garden is ideal for having your own fruits and veggies at arm’s reach. It’s also a space saver, and works well on balconies and smaller …

Vegetable Garden Bill Gets Green Light

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Vegetables

In an issue stemming from a legal dispute in South Florida, the Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill that would prevent local governments from regulating homeowners’ vegetable gardens. Senators voted 35-5 to support the measure (SB 82), sponsored by Sen. Rob Bradley, R-Fleming Island. Bradley took up the issue after a dispute between homeowners Hermine Ricketts and Laurence Carroll …

Growing Your Own Tomatillos

Dan Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

Cathy Isom gives you some great tips about growing your own tomatillos. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Tomatillos look like small green tomatoes, and do belong to the same nightshade family, but they’re slightly different plants. An unripe green tomato, for instance, isn’t the same thing as a tomatillo. Tomatillos don’t turn red and are covered in …