U.K. and U.S. Taking First Steps to Trade Deal

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

British International Trade Secretary Liam Fox and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer have taken the first steps towards a U.S.-U.K. free trade agreement. The duo recently met to create a working group that will “lay the groundwork” for a bilateral trade deal, according to Politico. However, official negotiations cannot begin until the United Kingdom formally leaves the European Union around …

U.S. Dairy Companies Push Back Against Canada’s Protectionist Policies

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Group Urges U.S. Governors to Aid in Preserving Export Markets and ‘Consider All Tools at Their Disposal’ The U.S. dairy industry continued to push back against Canada’s protectionist policies that are effectively blocking American dairy imports into the country in violation of international agreements. A group of 17 dairy companies representing dairy farmers and processors from coast to coast asked …