china phase one

China, U.S. Trade War Deepens with More Tariffs

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. and China began rolling out more tariffs against each other this week as part of the tit-for-tat trade war between the two nations. The U.S. will collect an additional 25 percent in duties on Chinese imports ranging from motorcycles to steam turbines and railway cars, and the Chinese retaliation will see a similarly sized tax on items including …

Farm Export Prices Post Large Declines

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. agriculture export prices fell 5.3 percent last month. Data released by the U.S. Department of Labor shows the decline is the largest drop in farm exports since 2011. The decline in July followed a one percent decrease in June, which followed a 1.6 percent increase in May. The department says a 14.1 percent drop in soybean prices was the …

Trade Assistance Details Still Being Worked Out

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The Trump Administration announced its $12 billion plan to help farmers struggling under the escalating trade wars. Politico says there are still important details to be worked out, including just how much help farmers will get and how they’ll prove economic harm. More details are scheduled to come out after Labor Day. USDA Chief Economist Robert Johansson says soybean farmers, …

trade advisory

Not All Reactions to Trade Assistance Are Positive

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The President’s plan to aid farmers in the midst of the trade war is not sitting well with several groups, including a number of Republicans in Congress. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin says, “This is becoming more and more like a Soviet-style economy here with commissars in the administration figuring out where to sprinkle around benefits.” According to the Hagstrom …

Farmers Express Frustration Over Trump Trade Tactics

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

American farmers are carrying the burden of trade tariffs put in place by President Donald Trump and they were in Washington this week to discuss it during a congressional hearing. Farmers shared concerns that included shrinking export markets, rising costs, and bankers who would be more reluctant to loan money for operating costs. Scott VanderWal, American Farm Bureau vice president, …


Navarro Discounts Trade War Impact on Ag

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

White House Trade Adviser Pete Navarro downplayed the impact tariffs are having on the ag economy, calling the impact of the trade war between the U.S. and China “a rounding error,” compared with either country’s economic output. “My point is that it’s much less disruptive than these headlines would suggest,” Navarro told CNBC. “It’s also much more constructive as we …

Farm Bureau Response to Navarro’s ‘Rounding Error’ Statement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The following statement may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “White House trade advisor Peter Navarro’s recent comments that the damage this trade war is doing to certain sectors of the U.S. economy, of which we all know includes agriculture, is little more than a ‘rounding error’ are out of touch with the pain our farmers …

Agri View: California and Other State Losses in a Trade War

Dan Agri View, Economy, Exports/Imports

The talk of a trade war has had an impact on every commodity. What about its impact on agriculture. Everett Griner talks about California and their expanding losses from the trade war and tariff talk in today’s Agri View. California and Other State Losses in a Trade War Efforts to settle this trade war between China and our country, farmers …

China Dropping Tariffs on Feed Grains from Asian Countries

Josh McGill Industry News Release, Trade

China is dropping tariffs on feed ingredients from five Asian countries as it seeks supplies that do not originate in the United States. The ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China is bringing further tariffs on U.S. soybeans and coproducts imported to China, as retaliation on U.S. tariffs implemented on China. Thus, China is seeking cheaper soybeans, soymeal, soybean …

china phase one

China Says Washington Trade Actions Will Hurt American Workers

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

A Reuters report says China accused the Trump Administration of being capricious in its handling of trade issues. Chinese government officials warned U.S. workers and farmers that they’ll be hurt because of the administration’s brandishing of “big sticks.” Beijing officials said previous bilateral discussions with the U.S. were effective. However, the commerce ministry spokesman says Beijing has had to respond …