UF Study: Large Termite Colonies Less Vulnerable to Sprays Than Baits

Dan Florida, Forestry, Research

Liquid sprays don’t control large subterranean termite colonies as well as baits, giving more credence to the benefits of baits as a way to minimize the bugs’ damage to structures, a new University of Florida study shows. Formosan and Asian subterranean termites are responsible for most of the $32 billion in economic damage to structures worldwide, UF Institute of Food …

Termites Topple Pine Trees – a Concern as Hurricane Season Nears

Dan Florida, Forestry, Industry News Release, Research

Most termites don’t kill trees, but Asian subterranean termites are slaying some pine trees in South Florida and damaging the rest of the local urban tree canopy, a new University of Florida study found. “Our beloved native slash pine is lethally stressed by this termite, which is unexpected,” said Thomas Chouvenc, a UF/IFAS assistant professor of urban entomology. Not only …

“ Pretty ” Termites do the Most Damage

Dan Florida, Industry News Release

Termites may be “pretty” in the eyes of a scientist, but don’t let good looks fool you: The prettier termites are more destructive than their uglier counterparts, a University of Florida researcher says. Scientists who deem subterranean termites as “pretty” say they sport symmetrical traits and are more likely to come from mature colonies, said Thomas Chouvenc, a research assistant …