Censky, McKinney Confirmations Good News for U.S. Agriculture

Dan Industry News Release

The National Pork Producers Council congratulated Stephen Censky and Ted McKinney on their confirmations for key leadership positions with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The U.S. Senate confirmed Censky and McKinney as the USDA’s deputy secretary and undersecretary of trade and foreign agricultural affairs, respectively. “The confirmations of Stephen Censky and Ted McKinney come at a critical time for U.S. …

McKinney, Clovis, Officially Nominated for USDA Posts

Dan Industry News Release

President Donald Trump has nominated Ted McKinney for Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs and Dr. Sam Clovis for Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics. Both have long been rumored to take top seats at the Department of Agriculture for months. McKinney currently serves as the director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture and Clovis was …