Canada Won’t Place Further Restrictions on Dicamba

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

Canada will not follow a move by the U.S. to place further restrictions on dicamba herbicides. Health Canada, responsible for regulations of herbicides, says it supports the current Canadian labels for dicamba. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently increased restrictions on the use of dicamba sprayed over crops, after the first season of use for dicamba-resistant soybeans turned up about …

Tennessee Joins Other States limiting Dicamba Use

Dan Industry News Release

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture announced new limits on the use of dicamba-based herbicides this week. The move follows practical bans issued by Arkansas and Missouri for using dicamba for row crop applications, as concerns and drift damages mount. Missouri, however, released its “stop sale, use or removal” order Thursday on dicamba-based herbicides. The new rule in Tennessee restricts the …