USDA Invests in Rural Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in 24 States

Dan Industry News Release, Water

Investments will Benefit 133,000 Residents in Rural Communities WASHINGTON, (USDA) – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service Administrator Chad Rupe announced that USDA is investing $135 million in 49 projects to improve rural water infrastructure in 24 states (PDF, 170 KB). “Under the leadership of President Trump and Agriculture Secretary Perdue, USDA continues to partner with rural communities to …

Funding to Increase Access to Education, Workforce Training and Health Care Opportunities in Rural Communities

Dan Economy, Education, Industry News Release

Investments will help more than 4.5 million rural Americans Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced that USDA is awarding grants for 128 projects to increase access to job training (PDF, 351 KB), educational and health care services in rural areas. “Empowering rural Americans with access to services for quality of life and economic development is critical to rural prosperity,” Secretary Perdue said. “Distance …


USDA to Implement Regulatory Reforms to Increase Access to Capital in Rural Areas

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett announced that USDA is hosting listening sessions to solicit feedback on a plan to increase access to capital in rural areas by streamlining regulations for four Rural Development loan guarantee programs. “At USDA, we know that for many rural communities the regulations that govern our programs can be outdated and difficult to …

rural development

USDA Rural Development Innovation Center Launches Interactive Webpage

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

To Share Best Practices for Rural Economic Development Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett today unveiled a new interactive webpage to identify best practices for building rural prosperity. “Rural communities need forward-thinking strategies to build strong, resilient futures,” Hazlett said. “USDA’s Rural Development Innovation Center is focused on identifying unique opportunities, pioneering new, creative solutions to tough challenges, …

USDA Makes Disaster Resources Available to Rural Development Borrowers

Dan Industry News Release

The United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development is providing tools and resources to help rural communities recover from the devastation brought by hurricanes Harvey and Irma, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue highlighted. The emergency procedures will provide additional flexibility for Rural Development borrowers and community partners to help them recover as quickly as possible and ensure they have what they …

Opposition Rising Against Perdue Rural Development Pick

Dan Industry News Release

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue’s move to name Anne Hazlett as his assistant on rural development is drawing criticisms. Perdue announced Hazlett as his assistant on rural development this week, replacing the former undersecretary role for rural development. Hazlett has been the chief Republican counsel on the Senate Agriculture Committee. Hazlett will oversee the Rural Utilities Service, the Rural Business Service, …

Secretary Perdue Announces Creation of Undersecretary for Trade

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Reorganization of USDA Elevates Rural Development as Department Priority U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the creation of an undersecretary for trade and foreign agricultural affairs in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a recognition of the ever-increasing importance of international trade to American agriculture.  Perdue made the announcement standing by barges filled with agricultural products along the banks …