farm groups

Farm Groups Calling for Disaster Relief

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Legislative

Farm groups and ag lenders are pressing Congress to put aside politics and pass urgently needed disaster relief. Politics has already sidelined $13 billion, including $5 billion for ag disaster aid, in a failed Senate procedural vote this month. Now, 135 farm groups and lenders are calling on the president and lawmakers to stop the politics and help their farmers …

Two-year Budget Deal Key for Agriculture

Dan Economy, Florida, Industry News Release

The two-year budget deal passed by Congressional leaders is key for agriculture, including farm program fixes, disaster aid and tax break extenders. American Farm Bureau budget adviser, RJ Karney, looks at some of the key program fixes needed to write the next farm bill. Two-year Budget Deal Key for Agriculture-1 Karney says AFBF and Ag Committee leaders were also behind …