Newhouse Remains Confident Farm Bill Will Pass on Time

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

There’s been speculation by some in different ag circles that the new Farm Bill will not pass on-time. Some have speculated it won’t pass until 2019. Representative Dan Newhouse of Washington State recently acknowledged he’s heard those rumors, but cannot substantiate them. In addition, he says he doesn’t believe they are true. The Central Washington republican says House Agriculture Committee …

Newhouse: AG Act a Good Step Forward

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

Representative Dan Newhouse says while many of the details have yet to be worked out, legislation introduced by Representative Bob Goodlatte is an important first step to address ag’s labor shortage. The Republican from Virginia introduced the American Guestworker Act, or AG Act, which would replace the H-2A program with a new, flexible and market-driven guestworker program designed to meet …